T型手提繩子/緞帶繩/購物,手提袋 提把專用 

paper carrier bag rope/cord handle 手提袋提繩 , 紙袋,購物袋, 禮盒, PP/PE袋適用勾邊提繩子/綿繩../包裝材料


  No. 計數器
購物袋/手提帶 提繩繩子
T(T-end)手提袋/帶/提繩 精品禮盒適用手提繩
紙袋禮盒適用手提繩 購物袋/ 禮盒適用手提繩

PP/PE袋/禮盒適用手提繩 蛋糕盒適用手提繩,包裝材料

酒盒子禮盒適用手提繩 購物袋/帶 提繩繩子/打頭
  手提繩承受重量 10kg 以上, 魔術(法)-易提繩/打頭

Tragetaschen,Papier-Tragetaschen, Baumwoll-Tragetaschen, Folien-Tragetaschen, 

提繩,勾邊提繩/緞帶繩 /繩子打頭
手提帶_新.jpg (15337 bytes)

icon0211.gif (1850 bytes) 2000新型手提/繩子

手提帶_新02.jpg (7212 bytes)手提帶

(1). Products Name : cord handle, rope handle , ribbon handle緞帶提繩.手提帶,手提帶,手提帶,手提帶
(2). Materials: Cotton & polyester & PP & Nylon & Elastic rubber.
(3). Shape: Round & Flat rope & Oval & Thin ...etc.

paper carrier bag rope/cord handle 手提袋提繩 , 紙袋,購物袋, 禮盒, PP/PE袋適用勾邊提繩繩子,緞帶繩,緞帶繩


      Have U.S.A patented:
      Japan patent: 3083xxx
      Korea: 0252xxx
      Taiwan patent: 466xxx
      China patent: 352xxx

paper carrier bag rope/cord handle 手提袋提繩 , 紙袋,購物袋, 禮盒, PP/PE袋適用勾邊提繩繩

[1.l手提繩動畫影 片]  [2.更多資訊]  [3.手提繩應用]  [4.公司簡介]   [5. 一般常識]

[6.手提繩產品總 目錄] [7.三股 繩]

[8.大閘蟹專用綿]  [9.pp色卡]

[天主教善牧基金會 「我想有個家─愛心募集 ]    [統一發票中獎號碼單]

  • Non-knot-cord-handle / tipping barb film end cord handle


    T-end® cord / rope handle

    .l手提繩動畫影 片2

    cord tipping plastic end / hook end cord handle

    Barb end cord / rope / tipping hook film T-end cord handle
    Buckle end rope handle / tipping hook cord handle

    Contact us.


    King web enterprise co.,ltd. 

    phone:  +886-4-8805888
     fax: +886-4-8806080 
    Mr.黃 0935-301589  
    email:  wtos@ms36.hinet.net
     letter post: 彰化縣. 溪州鄉. 成功村.下田路 26 -1  No. 26-1, Shiatian Rd., Shijou Shiang, Changhua, Taiwan 52447

Copyright © 1999-2010 king web Enterprise Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.


^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook三股手提繩,金蔥三股繩 PP三股繩 Nylon三股繩 pp5mm三股繩 Roll三股繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook手提袋棉繩色卡, , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook PP繩,註冊商標 T-end® 紙袋/購物袋/手提袋-免打結魚鉤型手提繩, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook禮品包裝、花藝包裝-緞帶-手提繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙繩-紙把手提繩, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook 手提袋/提繩子/緞帶繩/打頭勾邊提繩免打結^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook, T-end易提繩 vs.傳統手提繩, o^o 扁平-圓形-購物袋手提繩繩子/免打結手提繩 T-end® cord handle , o!o 購物袋手提繩/圓形/扁平/緞帶/手提繩 o!o , o^o 購物袋手提繩繩子/免打結 forpapier-tragetasche benutzen Sie neuen Handgriff Baumwoll-Tragetaschen, Folien-Tragetaschen.., ,^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙袋/購物袋專用綿質手提繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙袋/購物袋專用綿質手提繩 T-end cord handle, Taiwan Brand T-end® satin ribbon/cord/rope handle ,T-end® cord / rope handle, Satin ribbon flower-King web 慶誼緞帶-D.I.Y緞帶花 , o^o 購物袋手提繩繩子/易提繩免打結 T-end cord handle for carier bags , 新增網頁1 , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook三股金蔥繩-免打結魚鉤型手提繩.T-end cord handle , 新增網頁1, o^o 購物袋棉繩-魚鉤型-手提繩-註冊商標 T-end® , CONTACT US cord/rope packaging , Papier Tragetasche , o^o 手提袋人字繩扁繩棉繩, 魚鉤型-手提繩-註冊商標 T-end® ., ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook蛋糕盒扁平人字繩/精品禮盒三股金蔥手提繩 T-end cord , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook T-end kordel mit papier tragetaschen,papiertragetaschen,kordel,kordelzug ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook , ==勾邊提繩註冊商標 T-end® ==