
paper carrier bag rope/cord handle 手提袋提繩 , 紙袋,購物袋, 禮盒, PP/PE袋適用勾邊提繩



King Web Enterprise Co.,Ltd., was founded since 1994, we are a professional manufacturer and export specializing in Suitable for tipping all kinds of shoelaces, garment strings & hairdressers. We have had long experiences in supplying high quality Products.
Today our company have developed a new unique product that will contribute  the bag handle industry-offering both durability and cost savings, Our novelly  new patented "cord handles" , approved with PATENTs in USA, Japan, Germany and China, we call it  "slip in"
  • Owner : : Mr. Peter Huang
  • Factory area : 1200 Square meters
  • Number of Employee : 30 staff members.
  • Annual production : 20 million Strips


Please feel free to use our inquiry form.We'll respond to your request as soon
as possible .If there are any questions or comments for our products, please
click here

 Papier-Tragetasche, Baumwoll-Tragetaschen, Folien-Tragetaschen, Papierbeutel, tragen Beutel  Kordel-Tragetasche oder Kordelzug-Tragetasche

[1.l手提繩動畫影 片]  [2.更多資訊]  [3.手提繩應用]  [4.公司簡介]   [5. 一般常識]

[6.手提繩產品總 目錄] [7.三股 繩]

[8.大閘蟹專用綿]  [9.pp色卡]

[天主教善牧基金會 「我想有個家─愛心募集 ]    [統一發票中獎號碼單]

  • Non-knot-cord-handle / tipping barb film end cord handle


    T-end® cord / rope handle

    .l手提繩動畫影 片2

    cord tipping plastic end / hook end cord handle

    Barb end cord / rope / tipping hook film T-end cord handle
    Buckle end rope handle / tipping hook cord handle

    Contact us.


    King web enterprise co.,ltd. 

    phone:  +886-4-8805888
     fax: +886-4-8806080 
    Mr.黃 0935-301589  
    email:  wtos@ms36.hinet.net
     letter post: 彰化縣. 溪州鄉. 成功村.下田路 26 -1  No. 26-1, Shiatian Rd., Shijou Shiang, Changhua, Taiwan 52447

Copyright © 1999-2010 king web Enterprise Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.


^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook三股手提繩,金蔥三股繩 PP三股繩 Nylon三股繩 pp5mm三股繩 Roll三股繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook手提袋棉繩色卡, , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook PP繩,註冊商標 T-end® 紙袋/購物袋/手提袋-免打結魚鉤型手提繩, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook禮品包裝、花藝包裝-緞帶-手提繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙繩-紙把手提繩, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook 手提袋/提繩子/緞帶繩/打頭勾邊提繩免打結^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook, T-end易提繩 vs.傳統手提繩, o^o 扁平-圓形-購物袋手提繩繩子/免打結手提繩 T-end® cord handle , o!o 購物袋手提繩/圓形/扁平/緞帶/手提繩 o!o , o^o 購物袋手提繩繩子/免打結 forpapier-tragetasche benutzen Sie neuen Handgriff Baumwoll-Tragetaschen, Folien-Tragetaschen.., ,^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙袋/購物袋專用綿質手提繩 T-end cord handle, ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook紙袋/購物袋專用綿質手提繩 T-end cord handle, Taiwan Brand T-end® satin ribbon/cord/rope handle ,T-end® cord / rope handle, Satin ribbon flower-King web 慶誼緞帶-D.I.Y緞帶花 , o^o 購物袋手提繩繩子/易提繩免打結 T-end cord handle for carier bags , 新增網頁1 , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook三股金蔥繩-免打結魚鉤型手提繩.T-end cord handle , 新增網頁1, o^o 購物袋棉繩-魚鉤型-手提繩-註冊商標 T-end® , CONTACT US cord/rope packaging , Papier Tragetasche , o^o 手提袋人字繩扁繩棉繩, 魚鉤型-手提繩-註冊商標 T-end® ., ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook蛋糕盒扁平人字繩/精品禮盒三股金蔥手提繩 T-end cord , ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook T-end kordel mit papier tragetaschen,papiertragetaschen,kordel,kordelzug ^o^ 2016C New cord's end with hook 2016C New cord's end with hook , ==勾邊提繩註冊商標 T-end® ==